Digital Health for Clients | Digital Health for Healthcare Providers | Digital Health for Health Systems Managers | Digital Health Hardware | Cutting-edge Technologies | Lessons From Other Sectors | Data Use Strategies, People and Processes | Human Resource Capacity Building for Sustainable Digital Health Systems | Private Sector Engagement | Sustainable Financing for Digital Health | Health Information Systems Architecture Salon A-D Appy Hour
Dec 09, 2019 05:45 PM - 07:00 PM(America/New_York)
20191209T1745 20191209T1900 America/New_York Appy Hour Salon A-D 2019 Global Digital Health Forum
133 attendees saved this session
A smart first aid solution equipping the general public with life-saving skills
Appy HourDigital Health for Clients 05:30 PM - 07:00 PM (America/New_York) 2019/12/09 22:30:00 UTC - 2019/12/10 00:00:00 UTC
We will point out that the lack of bystander first aid and Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training (Institute of Medicine reports that only 3% of Americans receive formal CPR training annually), coupled with the growing number of deaths from preventable events (49% of deaths in the US are from preventable events -things like falls, car crashes, drowning, fires, etc.) , creates a perfect storm, particularly in resource constrained environments where according to the African Federation for Emergency Medicine, 83% of the help provided in a medical emergency, does not involve first aid care and 92% of victims requiring assistance in a medical emergency arrive at the hospital without any medical intervention. We will highlight the growing evidence in support for ultra-brief bystander training (e.g., an Institute of Medicine report showing a 60 second basic CPR training with demonstrated improved responsiveness, a poster first aid training providing similar competence (compared to traditional certification) and how use of a mobile CPR training with feedback mechanisms improves CPR chest compression performance) We will introduce an innovative smart first aid solution and demonstrate how the solution uses a mobile phone to deliver life saving first aid and CPR training. We will highlight the solution's voice-enabled first aid/CPR trainings, the easy-to-follow illustrative instructions, the built in timers and menotrome to help with delivery of first aid/CPR. We will point out how the solution can be used to track first aid/CPR training and certification dates and alert users of upcoming expiration dates. We will showcase, the solution's SOS feature that allows for automated alerts to go out to designated emergency contacts. We will demonstrate the solution's offline capabilities that enable usage without internet connectivity as well as the ease-of access to first responders.
Esther Ndungu
CEO, ESociates, LLC
Grace Waruchu Wanjiku
Attending Physician
Appropriate Labs: Better Diagnostics through Open Source Hardware
Appy HourDigital Health Hardware 05:30 PM - 07:00 PM (America/New_York) 2019/12/09 22:30:00 UTC - 2019/12/10 00:00:00 UTC
In developing countries, access to appropriate laboratory equipment is a major constraint to effective surveillance of infectious disease and antibiotic resistance. Even when equipment is available, it is often not appropriate to the local context – too easily broken, intolerant of the local electric grid, not locally serviceable, etc. But emerging tools and approaches in the design and implementation of hardware create the possibility of a new paradigm in diagnostic tools: open source lab equipment created for users in diverse contexts using human centered design. In this session, Rob Ryan-Silva from the DAI Maker Lab will demonstrate how open source laboratory hardware can shift long-standing assumptions about who can do sophisticated laboratory work, and where. He will introduce some of the existing open source designs for equipment and discuss how those designs can be integrated into real-world programming. This session is paired with a TED-style talk where Rob will give a broader overview and introduce the concept.
Robert Ryan-Silva
Director, DAI Maker Lab, DAI
askNivi @ Appy Hour
Appy HourCutting-edge Technologies 05:30 PM - 07:00 PM (America/New_York) 2019/12/09 22:30:00 UTC - 2019/12/10 00:00:00 UTC
Our AI-powered conversational interface provides users with personalized and culturally appropriate SRH information, contraceptive screenings, and referrals to service providers near them. During Appy Hour we'll invite participants to engage with askNivi's Kenya and India versions (normally geofenced to avoid confusion in the discovery process). Everyone will learn more about how we help men and women connect with the information that is most relevant and actionable based on their context through popular channels including Facebook Messenger, SMS, and WhatsApp. We've reached 150,000+ users in Kenya (as of June 2019) and are launching in India (July 2019). Twelve percent of users referred to a clinic have report taking up contraceptives and our partner dashboards allow public and private sector organizations to better understand and serve people through actionable data. In this presentation, I will tell the stories of two typical Nivi users -- one from Kenya and one from India.
Presenters Jessica Heinzelman
VP Of Growth, Nivi, Inc.
Ben Bellows
Chief Revenue Officer, Nivi
BackpackEMR: Secure Offline Networking and Storage
Appy HourPrivate Sector Engagement 05:30 PM - 07:00 PM (America/New_York) 2019/12/09 22:30:00 UTC - 2019/12/10 00:00:00 UTC
BackpackEMR has a completely offline network that can link devices within multiple clinic stations to facilitate data flow during a mobile clinic without the internet or electricity. This makes BackpackEMR ideal for mobile clinics, medical camps, or very rural permanent clinics. We utilize secure protocols to ensure data encryption during clinics, along with encryption during backups to the cloud server. Protocol 46 has partnered with BackpackEMR to fully audit our cyber security. This includes not only our technology stack and implementation, but also our operational procedures, data policies, and data accessibility. Our session will include a set of BackpackEMR tablets in a mock-clinic, interconnected w/o the internet or a local server. Participants can enter in fake patients and walk through a process flow, all while offline. We will also highlight areas of our security practices in our real-time set up, and will have Protocol 46 members available for questions about our security and basic security best practices.
Lori Most
Founder/CEO, Binary Bridge, SBC
CliniPAK: Infrastructure in an Instant
Appy HourDigital Health Hardware 05:30 PM - 07:00 PM (America/New_York) 2019/12/09 22:30:00 UTC - 2019/12/10 00:00:00 UTC
VecnaCares builds and deploys the CliniPAK, a solar-powered, rugged server and power management system for ultra-low resource environments. The CliniPAK creates a digital connection for a specified area, enabling users to connect and implement data collection devices on a local access network without the need for internet, Wi-Fi or a cell network. Users have access to real-time data, even in offline areas. This enables the care team to access patient records wirelessly on multiple devices, in multiple locations at once. Data collected on connected devices is saved automatically to the CliniPAK, never on the device itself. This reduces the risk of data loss due to device theft or damage. The CliniPAK operates on 110/240 AC power, solar power, and car battery, while efficiently prioritizing power in that order. Devices can be charged through the CliniPAK's fast-charging USB ports.
Presenters Mary Rocheleau
Director Of Engineering , VecnaCares Charitable Trust
Abigail Beaudette
Program Manager, VecnaCares
Coaching On-Demand with the TCI University App
Appy HourDigital Health for Clients 05:30 PM - 07:00 PM (America/New_York) 2019/12/09 22:30:00 UTC - 2019/12/10 00:00:00 UTC
This session provides and overview of the TCI University app. What is TCI University? It's a set of practical learning tools on proven and high-impact family planning and adolescent and youth sexual and reproductive health interventions and approaches available to implementing city partners and the TCI's Accelerator Hub staff who coach and support the initiatives. The TCI University app contains practical how-to guidance and tools on implementing proven interventions along with access to an online community of practice, which supports knowledge exchange and sharing among country and regional practitioners. It's a capacity-building tool and reinforces the coaching messages even when the coach isn't there. Content on the app is updated when content is added on the website, so it's easy to adapt and update as we learn more about user preferences through data analysis.
Marla Shaivitz
Director Of Digital Strategy, Johns Hopkins Center For Communication Programs
Kim Martin
Senior Program Officer II, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School Of Public Health
Connecting with Sara: Connecting clients to health services using electronic referrals in DHIS2
Appy HourDigital Health for Clients 05:30 PM - 07:00 PM (America/New_York) 2019/12/09 22:30:00 UTC - 2019/12/10 00:00:00 UTC
Connecting with Sara (CwS) is an initiative to track and engage with Population Service International’s (PSI) target audience (referred to as ‘Sara’) through her mobile phone. To date, PSI’s engagement with Sara has been limited to home visits, doctors’ visits, and mass media. PSI has piloted mobile phone outreach in the past but is now looking to scale, taking advantage of Sara’s mobile phone access to meet her health needs. Connecting with Sara helps PSI to link clients to health services and products, provide access to information about these services, and better understand health care from the client’s perspective. Under the CwS initiative, PSI built a mobile app linked to DHIS2 for community health workers to refer, track, and follow up with Sara as she receives health services. As of January 2019, the Connecting with Sara app is live in Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Nepal, and Mozambique, with over 150,000 referrals redeemed for family planning services, and over 90,000 clients who have signed up for further mobile engagement. To date, CwS has focused on improving linkages to care for demand generation programs. As PSI learns from the development of the platform, there will be important lessons to be shared with the global DHIS2 community to contribute to the core development of DHIS2 as a platform for linking clients to care. 
Terry Mathenge
Program Manager, PSI Kenya
Digital Health Networking in Action: What Digital Transformation Looks Like in Low-Resource Settings
Appy HourData Use Strategies, People and Processes 05:30 PM - 07:00 PM (America/New_York) 2019/12/09 22:30:00 UTC - 2019/12/10 00:00:00 UTC
Dharma Platform is a mobile-first, impact-first, data management solution that gathers primary source data to feed robust visualizations and machine learning tools. This is empowering organizations, on a global scale, with critical insights to increase their humanitarian aid efforts. Built in response to lessons from the 2014-2016 Ebola outbreak, Dharma Platform was developed to provide those working on the front lines of humanitarian emergencies with real-time actionable data that could save lives and improve health. In both the global north and south, those providing critical health services such as the World Health Organization, Cure Violence, and the Danish Refugee Council are benefiting from Dharma Platform’s patent-pending data transformation algorithms, mesh-enabled tools, and patented offline data capture to accelerate digital transformation within their organizations. Using Dharma Platform, community health workers, doctors, nurses, and social workers are able to collect any type of health-related data, anywhere, anytime, in any language, online or off, giving visibility and voice to hidden and vulnerable populations. Our scalable, secure, intuitive, SaaS platform not only saves thousands of hours of manual labor, but gives organizations credible, precise, and relevant information to increase their impact. Come and see Dharma Platform in action. Learn how to instantly create your own mobile data capture form with no code, real-time data visualizations, and third-party interoperability, all while using our unique offline mesh capabilities. Experience for yourself how Dharma Platform supports end-to-end data management through scalable hierarchical, longitudinal and point in time surveys, historical data ingestion, and staff tracking capabilities. Brochures and print materials will be available as additional materials for attendees.
Sam Scarpino
Chief Strategy Officer, Dharma Platform
Brigit O'Malley
Marketing Analyst, Dharma Platform
Digital Powered Social & Behavior Change for Last-mile Communities
Appy HourCutting-edge Technologies 05:30 PM - 07:00 PM (America/New_York) 2019/12/09 22:30:00 UTC - 2019/12/10 00:00:00 UTC
In the most isolated and remote communities in Ghana and Kenya, citizens face challenges in accessing credible, consistent information about their health, well-being, and rights. Low literacy combined with poor infrastructure, low nurse-patient ratios, and limited access to mainstream media are barriers to the development of thriving and resilient communities. To address these development challenges, Amplio Network’s partners in Ghana and Kenya leverage the Talking Book, a rugged, hand-held, battery-powered audio device, which provides on-demand access to information for people who can't read. Our partners use Talking Books to deliver targeted, behavior change messaging in the form of interviews, songs, and dramas in local languages and dialects, to inform, educate, and prompt rural communities to practice and adopt key behaviors to reduce poverty, generate demand for essential services, and improve community health and protection outcomes. A recent randomized control trial co-designed by UNICEF Ghana found that people with access to health messages on Talking Books were 50% more likely to use bed nets and 50% more likely to wash their hands with soap. In Kenya, across four targeted counties, community health workers are using Talking Books to educate and mobilize their communities about maternal and child health and nutrition. During the last six months of 2018, messages about the benefits of early initiation of breastfeeding have contributed to a 10% increase (83% to 93%) of the proportion of newborns breastfed within the first hour of birth. Likewise, Talking Book messages have contributed to a 50% increase in monthly antenatal visits at community health centers.
Ryan Forbes Morris
Senior Program Manager, Amplio
Forging DHIS2 interoperability to drive decision making
Appy HourHealth Information Systems Architecture 05:30 PM - 07:00 PM (America/New_York) 2019/12/09 22:30:00 UTC - 2019/12/10 00:00:00 UTC
DHIS2 is the most widely used HMIS software by governments in LMICs and is increasingly being used by health and development organizations for their information system needs. However, users face challenges with interoperability between the multiple information system components in place, impeding robust analytics and data use for decision making. BAO Systems will demo a suite of utility tools that facilitate DHIS2 interoperability with a goal of improving the availability and use of comprehensive datasets, such as: BI Connectors | The use of Tableau and PowerBI is increasing, however, users often require support to efficiently exchange data between DHIS2 and these BI tools. Currently, many users manually export and import flat data files between platforms - a time consuming process that must be performed each time data are updated. BAO Systems developed our Tableau and PowerBI Connectors as user-friendly tools that enables users to more seamlessly connect to DHIS2 via user authentication, select and import data from DHIS2 for querying, and create an optimal data model that enables robust analytics. Integration Driver | Governments and organizations commonly implement more than one DHIS2 instance and face interoperability challenges. BAO Systems developed an integration driver to facilitate a more automated mechanism for data exchange between multiple DHIS2 instances, allowing for easier data sharing and information exchange. ODK/KoBo Connector | ODK-based tools such as KoBo Toolbox are frequently used to collect individual, household, and/or site level data however, data analysis of the resulting complex, flat data files is a challenge. Furthermore, users want to co-analyze their data with routine data stored in DHIS2. BAO Systems' connector tool allows users to (1) easily create new metadata in DHIS2 aligned with KoBo's metadata or map to existing DHIS2 metadata and (2) import data from KoBo into DHIS2, allowing for data analysis in DHIS2.
Katherine Lew
Product Liaison, Sr Manager , BAO Systems
Peter Galletta
Head Of Product, BAO Systems
iHRIS 5.0: How to Rebuild a Global Digital Health Good From the Ground Up
Appy HourDigital Health for Health Systems Managers 05:30 PM - 07:00 PM (America/New_York) 2019/12/09 22:30:00 UTC - 2019/12/10 00:00:00 UTC
iHRIS is an existing global digital health good with deployments in over 20 countries, however it was showing its age. The user interface and underlying architecture were cutting edge when it was developed in 2007, but were generating complaints in 2018. How then to overhaul an existing global good that will excite existing users and entice new ones, without inducing such radical changes that existing users would be lost in the new system? This will be a hands-on showcase of how we engaged our global community in envisioning a new iHIRS from the ground up, and then executed on their vision, creating a whole new iHRIS in less than a year. We'll show the stages of development, and the new functionality resulting from this transformation.
Brian Lamb
Sr. Full Stack Developer, IntraHealth International
Co-Authors Wayan Vota
Digital Health Director, IntraHealth International
Improved HIV testing monitoring in Zambia through enhanced real-time program surveillance - QODE Lynx
Appy HourDigital Health for Healthcare Providers 05:30 PM - 07:00 PM (America/New_York) 2019/12/09 22:30:00 UTC - 2019/12/10 00:00:00 UTC
To achieve the UNAIDS goal of 95-95-95, a novel digital health surveillance application was implemented in three northern Zambia provinces by EQUIP/Right to Care-Zambia to improve HIV testing yield. As Zambia progresses towards epidemic control, identifying ART-naïve people living with HIV that do not know their status is becoming an increasingly rare event. Emphasis has shifted to increasing testing yield through more efficient testing modalities and well-supervised counseling staff. Real-time analysis of data and program efficiency in reaching targeted individuals is paramount to controlling the HIV epidemic. EQUIP - Right to Care implemented the QODE Lynx HIV testing application, a mHealth solution tailored for the Zambian context, beginning in August 2018. Lynx provides real-time HIV testing data with GPS coordinates through mobile data connections and is administered by local professional and lay counselors on any Android compatible device with geolocation data. The Lynx data input process sequence guides the user through the national testing policies as ascertained through focused questionnaires. Variables collected include counselor details, client demographics, HIV test and result, risk factors, screening questions for co-morbid conditions, and referrals for clients testing negative (PrEP and VMMC) or HIV-positive (ART clinic and index contacts). Data is then instantly uploaded in real-time (or when the device is connected to mobile data) and analyzed through interactive web-based dashboards by program and M&E managers.
Andres Montaner
Researcher/Monitoring And Evaluation, Right To Care
Waldo Delport
Group Strategic Technology Lead, Qode Health Solutions
Improving quality of health service delivery at scale through the Health Network Quality Improvement System (HNQIS)
Appy HourDigital Health for Health Systems Managers 05:30 PM - 07:00 PM (America/New_York) 2019/12/09 22:30:00 UTC - 2019/12/10 00:00:00 UTC
Poor quality of health care results in poor health outcomes. Improving and monitoring quality of health care in LMICs presents unique constraints: (i) increasing scale and scope of the health sector, (ii) lack of enforced standards leading to a lack of continuity in scoring and benchmarks across health facilities over time, (iii) delayed and subjective performance feedback, and (iv) poor use of monitoring data and lack of course correction. The Health Network Quality Improvement System (HNQIS) is an electronic tablet-based application created by Population Services International (PSI) and used to improve quality of health services in health care networks and effectively manage and reach health impact at scale. The HNQIS is composed of four modules that support Quality Assurance Officers (QAOs) to (i) plan supportive supervision visits, thanks to a prioritization matrix that takes into account quality scores and patient volume, (ii) assess providers’ quality of health service provision, (iii) improve providers’ quality of care thanks to tailored feedback, and (iv) monitor quality improvement over time. The HNQIS is in sync with the District Health Information Software 2 (DHIS2) and allows Health System Managers (i) to take informed decisions by identifying weaknesses, gaps and priority areas to intervene to improve health service provision, and (i) to better allocate resources where and when they are most needed. Initially launched in Kenya in 2015, HNQIS is now active in 23 countries and more than 30,000 assessments on 13 different Health Areas at more than 8,000 outlets have been conducted with HNQIS. The session aims to provide a hands-on experience of the use of HNQIS between a health provider and a QAO and see in a simulated environment how HNQIS supports improvement of health service provision.
Elisabeth Harris
Doreen Wamiti
PSI Kenya
Intelehealth: A digital health platform with a programmable expert system for supporting frontline health workers
Appy HourDigital Health for Healthcare Providers 05:30 PM - 07:00 PM (America/New_York) 2019/12/09 22:30:00 UTC - 2019/12/10 00:00:00 UTC
Intelehealth is a digital health platform that enables the delivery of comprehensive primary health care. Frontline Health Workers (FHWs) today are tasked with even more responsibilities than before. Using Intelehealth, FHWs can be guided to provide care for a wide range of services such as maternal and child health, reproductive health, non-communicable diseases, communicable diseases, mental health, geriatric care, etc. This is made possible by a virtual health assistant that is built into the Intelehealth app. This expert system, called "Ayu", guides FHWs in performing high-quality health consults. Ayu has a text-based interface and can be programmed using a series of rules by a simple visual tool. Ayu can support health workers in performing key tasks autonomously. When they require further support, they can connect with a physical expert using the telemedicine capabilities of the platform. Intelehealth and Ayu were developed at Johns Hopkins University Center for Bioengineering Innovation & Design. The tools are free & open source. Ayu is pre-programmed with 70+ history-taking and decision support protocols to support healthcare delivery through task-shifting. The library of protocols keep growing. Ayu can deliver protocols appropriate to the level of training of the FHW - whether they are CHWs, volunteers, midwives, nurses or doctors. The platform and expert system has been adopted by partner organizations in limited pilots in three countries - India, Philippines and Syria - demonstrating the feasibility of implementation and the acceptability of using an expert system for FHWs. The platform's implementation is supported by a tech non-profit that drives its open source dissemination. Currently & JHU CBID are working on version 2.0 of Ayu which includes integration of NLU and machine learning to make it an intelligent digital assistant.
Presenters Neha Verma
CEO/Co-founder, Intelehealth
Soumyadipta Acharya
Program Director, Johns Hopkins University
mLabour: Mobile Technology for Improving Intrapartum Care
Appy HourDigital Health for Healthcare Providers 05:30 PM - 07:00 PM (America/New_York) 2019/12/09 22:30:00 UTC - 2019/12/10 00:00:00 UTC
Every two minutes at least one woman dies from complications experienced during pregnancy or childbirth, and 20 families experience a stillbirth or the death of a newborn child. Most of these deaths occur in the 24 hours around delivery, and most are preventable.Poor quality of facility-based care is a major contributing factor to elevated rates of morbidity and mortality among mothers and newborns, and effective strategies for ending preventable deaths must focus on quality of care in the intrapartum and immediate postpartum periods. Specifically, while the partograph (a paper-based labor management tool recommended by the World Health Organization) has demonstrated success in preventing prolonged and obstructed labor, insufficient training and support have resulted in low uptake and incorrect use of the tool for real-time monitoring during labor. In response to these challenges, Dimagi developed mLabour. mLabour is an easy-to-use digital tool that helps skilled birth attendants deliver evidence-based intrapartum care. mLabour promotes timely and appropriate labor monitoring, careful screening and alerts for life-threatening risks, and application of global standards of care. mLabour includes all the assessments contained in the paper partograph, but it provides added benefits of automated visualizations and alerts, exam reminders, and real-time decision support. In remote facilities, where midwives generally work alone or with few peers for support, the tool provides decision-making confidence. At high-volume facilities, it can enable health care workers to prioritize patients according to need, improving efficiency and safety. During Appy Hour, Dimagi will showcase mLabour and the key features of the tool that enable improved quality and efficiency in labor wards. We will also share with participants high-level results of studies conducted in India and Tanzania.
Katrina Virta
Senior Partnerships Manager, Dimagi
Molly Canty
Innovation Grants & Partnerships Manager, Dimagi, Inc.
M-TIBA – Connecting Payers, Patients and Providers to achieve UHC in Africa
Appy HourSustainable Financing for Digital Health 05:30 PM - 07:00 PM (America/New_York) 2019/12/09 22:30:00 UTC - 2019/12/10 00:00:00 UTC
Individuals in sub-Saharan Africa often struggle to afford healthcare, let alone quality services, due to barriers including lack of investments in health facilities, inadequately trained staff as well as geographic disparities and transportation challenges; women face the disproportionate additional barrier of gender. Since 2015, through a digital health platform (coined M-TIBA in Kenya) featuring a mobile phone enabled ‘wallet’, CarePay (a Kenyan social enterprise), Safaricom (the largest mobile network provider) and Amsterdam based non-profit PharmAccess have worked to provide millions of low income individuals and families with access to affordable, quality healthcare. M-TIBA connects patients, providers and payers to ensure quality, affordable health care, through channeling of ring fenced healthcare funds directly into the mobile ‘wallets’ of patients, who use these funds to access care at selected health facilities. These facilities are supported by PharmAccess’ ‘SafeCare’ methodology, a set of standards designed to support facilities in improving the quality of their services. In addition, the Medical Credit Fund (MCF), a subsidiary of PharmAccess, provides much needed loans to enable facilities to invest in infrastructure. M-TIBA enables and empowers individuals to take responsibility for their own health; with a simple mobile registration (no smart phone necessary), individuals can save and pay for their health care, including population specific needs such as MNCH. For providers, the platform provides real time data collection tools to support clinics in managing their business and service delivery, whilst governments can better identify and target financial support. During Appy Hour we will show how M-TIBA works including its interface and usage from both patient and provider perspectives. We will also discuss how we work with governments to incorporate M-TIBA within their national health insurance aspirations and create more transparent, effective health systems.
Presenters Liesbeth Huisman
Director Of Strategy, PharmAccess
Peju Adenusi
General Manager/CEO, Lagos State Health Management Agency (LASHMA)
Mobile Helping Babies Survive powered by DHIS2 (mHBS/DHIS2): A digital toolkit for newborn care training, education, data collection and quality improvement
Appy HourDigital Health for Healthcare Providers 05:30 PM - 07:00 PM (America/New_York) 2019/12/09 22:30:00 UTC - 2019/12/10 00:00:00 UTC
The mHBS/DHIS2 app is a suite of free, open-source digital health tools, built within the DHIS2 platform, to support healthcare providers in low/middle-income countries (LMICs) as they are educated, trained, and implement evidence-based maternal-newborn health (MNH) initiatives, including: Helping Babies Survive and Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care (EmONC). mHBS/DHIS2 is a Java-based tool which operates on a wide variety of Android devices, and allows for off-line data collection. Key functionalities of the mHBS/DHIS2 app include: education, training, data collection, quality improvement, data visualization/dashboards, and project management. The mHBS/DHIS2 app facilitates linkage among digital and web-based educational, training, and implementation resources that have been developed by various partners, as well as to materials produced by global organizations at the forefront of policy, guidelines, and curriculum development for evidence-based maternal-newborn-child health initiatives, such as the World Health Organization, and international/national professional development associations (e.g., International Confederation of Midwives; Nursing Council of Kenya). Any partner with an Android-based digital tool (e.g., SafeDelivery App, from Maternity Foundation) or on-line toolkit can be linked with the mHBS/DHIS2 app. Thus, mHBS/DHIS2 equips healthcare providers with “one stop” access to, and linkage of, key resources and tools that are of particular importance to them in their educational, training, and clinical service trajectories – on their own digital devices (smart phones and tablets). With partners from Moi University (Kenya), Lagos University (Nigeria), University of Washington (Seattle, USA) and Oxford University (UK), and funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, we are currently field testing, in Kenya and Nigeria, the feasibility and acceptability of a virtual reality neonatal resuscitation training module, “eHBB,” embedded within the mHBS/DHIS2 app, among Providers at 18 African health facilities across the 2 countries.
Presenters Sherri Bucher
Associate Research Professor Of Pediatrics, Indiana University School Of Medicine
Saptarshi Purkayastha
Co-Principal Investigator, IUPUI School Of Informatics And Computing
Bhavani Singh Agnikula Kshatriya
Co-Author, IUPUI School Of Informatics And Computing
Prem Chand Avanigadda
Co-Author, IUPUI School Of Informatics And Computing
Rachel Umoren
Co-Author, University Of Washington
Nairobi County NCDs Technology: Use of an Electronic Medical System towards improving health outcomes of Diabetes and Hypertension patients in Nairobi county Kenya
Appy HourDigital Health for Healthcare Providers 05:45 PM - 07:00 PM (America/New_York) 2019/12/09 22:45:00 UTC - 2019/12/10 00:00:00 UTC
Demo of the Nairobi County Non-Communicable Diseases Quality Management electronic medical system (Nairobi County NCD QM EMS) technology that's building the capacity of healthcare workers to adhere to clinical guidelines in the management of hypertension (HTN) and Diabetes Mellitus (DM). The system provides a platform to easily digitize & avail NCD data in 4 select sub-counties in Nairobi County, Kenya, namely Westlands, Ruaraka, Embakasi East and Embakasi West sub-counties targetting 45 facilities. The EMS users are primarily clinicians, other users include data clerks and administrators at facility, sub-county & county levels. Users access the system through the Android mobile application and/or the web application to collect data online/offline, manage data and report. The EMS is built on the OpenMRS platform with custom modules for the provision of care for DM & HTN clients, is designed to be usable in low resource environments. The design & implementation of the system used the Principles for Digital Development foundation designing with the user, understanding the existing ecosystem, using open standards and open source innovation. Additionally, a multiprong training approach is in use and entails the use of a threefold training module approach covering the clinical guidelines, Ministry of Health(MOH) tools and the EMS jointly, On-the-job training, Training of Trainers(ToT) and mentorship of champions at the facility level through to the county level.
Susan Gathu
Project Coordinator, IntelliSOFT Consulting Ltd
Steven Wanyee
Director Digital Health , IntelliSOFT Consulting Ltd
Victor Kibe
Non Communicable Diseases Coordinator, Nairobi City County Health Services Department
Winfred Mbugua
Project Officer, Malteser International
Jared Owuor
Program Officer, African Institute For Health And Development (AIHD)
NeMo: Empowering Mothers for Early Detection of Neonatal Illness in Low-Resource Settings through Digital Technology
Appy HourDigital Health Hardware 05:30 PM - 07:00 PM (America/New_York) 2019/12/09 22:30:00 UTC - 2019/12/10 00:00:00 UTC
Each year, over 2.9 million newborns die within the first 28 days following birth, with 75% of these deaths occurring in the first 7 days of life. Many of these deaths occur within homes in low-resource settings largely due to preventable causes such as pneumonia and sepsis and could be averted by timely identification and referral to care. Healthcare systems in low-resource settings often rely on community health workers (CHWs) to visit newborns in rural villages in the first week of life to triage them. However, the number of CHWs remains woefully inadequate and thus infants with signs of illness are often identified too late to impact survival. Task shifting neonatal assessment and recognition of danger signs from CHWs to mothers is a promising strategy to improve early identification of neonatal illness. The NeMo System, comprised of a smartphone application and low-cost wearable sensor, empowers mothers to screen their newborns based on the seven clinical signs indicative of severe neonatal illness as established by the World Health Organization’s Integrated Management of Neonatal Childhood Illness guidelines. Through three rounds of formative usability studies in eastern Uganda, the NeMo System has been iteratively designed with the end user in mind. Verification of the wearable sensor has been conducted through a clinical study in the Johns Hopkins Nursery. Through a feasibility and acceptability study, mothers were found to be willing to regularly use the NeMo System on their newborns and initiate care-seeking behavior based on the triage information provided. Thus, NeMo is a promising digital health intervention that could enable mothers to conduct a precise, robust assessment of neonatal danger signs in regions where technologies and expertise to do so are scarce.
Anthony Ho
Engineer, Johns Hopkins University
Neha Verma
CEO/Co-founder, Intelehealth
Alain Labrique
Speaker, Johns Hopkins University, Global MHealth Initiative (JHU-GmI)
Soumyadipta Acharya
Program Director, Johns Hopkins University
NewPneu- An Innovative low-cost mHealth technology for detecting pneumonia in the field
Appy HourCutting-edge Technologies 05:30 PM - 07:00 PM (America/New_York) 2019/12/09 22:30:00 UTC - 2019/12/10 00:00:00 UTC
Pneumonia is a high priority health problem for International and national organizations. It is the leading cause of death in children worldwide, killing an estimated 900,000 children under five years of age, with most of these deaths occurring in developing countries. Current methods of diagnosis use paper-based guidelines and rely on rural health care provider’s ability to determine the condition of the child and measure critical vital signs, such as temperature and child’s breathing rate. To date, necessary point of care devices have not been incorporated to detect severity of pneumonia. Our research presents a low-cost monitoring system designed to help the community-based health workers monitor key signs of severe pneumonia in children, namely, breathing rate, temperature, pulse rate and pulse oximetry. Our technology, called NewPneu comprises of a hardware and Android based software solution that collects information from a variety of sensors through an app and using a Low Energy bluetooth connection. We will present the design of our system, power consumption, performance and accuracy. The system has proven to be highly accurate, low-cost and feasible for low-resource settings, however we are looking for wider interest and partners to conduct field testing of the technology and bring this solution to scale.
Presenters Shariq Khoja
CEO, Tech4Life Enterprices Canada Inc.
Warren Zajac
Technology Lead, Sheridan College
Novel Platform to Promote Continuous Learning and Help Institutions Monetize Training
Appy HourDigital Health for Healthcare Providers 05:30 PM - 07:00 PM (America/New_York) 2019/12/09 22:30:00 UTC - 2019/12/10 00:00:00 UTC
The Medical Learning Hub (MLH) is a global, online platform that benefits both trainees and training institutions. With MLH, institutions can host and digitally market their training programs. For trainees, the platform allows users to view listings, understand benefits of each offering, sign up, and make payment if needed. The MLH allows institutions to host and access multiple types of trainings, including Professional Development Programs, Continuous Medical Education (CME) and others. Training formats supported include: 1. On-Site Medical Training: with in-person attendance. Examples: Leadership/ Management class, Live Surgery, Simulations, Cadaver-based training. 2. Online Medical Training (at-your-pace): Asynchronous online program. The trainee completes the online training at his/her-own-pace. Examples: Academic, Series of Specialty Topics, standardized healthcare employee training/ program orientation. 3. Online Medical Training (Live): Synchronous online training allows for live-online classroom sessions. Examples: Lectures, working group sessions, standardized healthcare employee training, case-based discussions. The MLH is provided as software-as-a-Service (SaaS) and is suitable for use by NGOs, individual experts, hospitals, specialty centers, nursing & paramedical training centers, pharma & medical device companies, governments and others. Benefits to Training Institutes: • Greatly extend sphere of influence—reach a global audience • Reach frontline healthcare professionals working in remote locations • Become Facilitators of Communities of Practice • Contribute to strengthening the health ecosystem • Automate the training registration process, reducing cost and effort of administering training program • Ensure a source of additional income Benefits to Trainees: • Increased access to expertise • Unique experience of continuous training and ongoing exchange • Integrate with a community of practice– connect with other providers facing similar challenges irrespective of location • Access to learning anywhere and at any time, no restrictions on time / location of study • Save on travel costs
Hima Kher
Chief Technology Officer, Tech Care For All
Dennis Lottero
Principal, Metamorphic Global Solutions
Co-Authors Pam Bolton
Global Health Lead, Tech Care For All
openIMIS: the open source tool for the digitalisation of health financing
Panel PresentationSustainable Financing for Digital Health 05:30 PM - 07:00 PM (America/New_York) 2019/12/09 22:30:00 UTC - 2019/12/10 00:00:00 UTC
More and more countries in the world seek to achieve Universal Health Coverage (UHC) and Universal Social Protection (USP) for their populations. Interactions between stakeholders in health and social protection systems are very complex and generate a lot of data. That is why Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) can provide essential support and help to navigate through a system for policymakers and users. Unfortunately, ICT solutions can be expensive and difficult to maintain. Furthermore, many countries do not have sufficient technical and financial capacity to cope with complex ICT structures. Many health system-related ICT projects have been focusing on data extraction, monitoring and evaluation in recent years. What has been lacking is a tool addressing health financing interactions among the key stakeholders in a health care system. As an open-source product, openIMIS is a comprehensive and affordable tool, linking beneficiary, provider and payer data. openIMIS offers a simple and user-friendly way to manage core processes from enrolling beneficiary management to transmitting and verifying claims. The openIMIS Initiative promotes global exchange around the openIMIS software and links global and local communities to benefit from each other. The Initiative was founded and is collaboratively financed by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). Currently, the Initiative is coordinated by GIZ. The presentation will ideally be embedded in a panel discussion on UHC and the underlying principles of a health financing system. If classic health financing functions (resource generation, resource pooling, service purchasing) are addressed, the panel could discuss how those functions can be supported through digital tools to create more efficiency and strategic purchasing of health care services.
Viktoria Rabovskaja
Advisor, GIZ
Saurav Bhattarai
Advisor, GIZ
Alicia Spengler
Coordinator OpenIMIS, Deutsche Gesellschaft Für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Removing Barriers to Effective Data Use with the Zenysis Rapid Data Interoperability Platform
Appy HourDigital Health for Health Systems Managers 05:30 PM - 07:00 PM (America/New_York) 2019/12/09 22:30:00 UTC - 2019/12/10 00:00:00 UTC
Zenysis Technologies is a big data and artificial intelligence software company dedicated to accelerating global development goals and improving lives everywhere. Established in 2015, the company is led by software engineers and data scientists from Google, Amazon and NASA. The Zenysis software takes advantage of powerful open source technologies, machine learning, fuzzy logic and artificial intelligence to rapidly integrate, clean, standardize and store data from multiple fragmented data sources across sectors. Zenysis integrates data from fragmented systems through a generalized interoperability layer that uses data science techniques to harmonize the differences between integrated systems without requiring any modification to the systems themselves. Zenysis integrates data from structured data sources, for example: routine public health data in Health Management Information Systems like DHIS2; infectious disease surveillance and response (IDSR) data on key infectious diseases; laboratory information systems (LIS) data; logistics management information system (LMIS) data; population and census data; vaccination campaign data; and survey data such as health facility assessments. Zenysis can also integrate auxiliary data sets outside the health sector which may be critical to effective health program delivery, including data on water and sanitation; weather and climate; animal health and agriculture; education; and transport and trade. During this session, we will perform a demonstration of the Zenysis data interoperability platform, using a demo instance that integrates 53 distinct datasets from the publicly available Brazil Tabnet database. This brief demonstration will walk attendees step-by-step through a workflow in the Zenysis platform, describing the data integrated and showing the attendees how to select individual datasets, triangulate data from multiple sources, perform routine analysis, build synthetic indicators, and drill down into data using the advanced visualization tools in the platform.
Claire Cravero
Director Of Project Implementation, Zenysis Technologies Inc.
Tenly Snow
Director Of Strategic Communications, Zenysis Technologies Inc.
RHINoVision: A Decision Support System with Interactive Multivariate Visualizations
Appy HourData Use Strategies, People and Processes 05:30 PM - 07:00 PM (America/New_York) 2019/12/09 22:30:00 UTC - 2019/12/10 00:00:00 UTC
RHINoVision is both an innovative concept for visualization of routine health information and a software application that is part of the open source Decision Support System developed at JSI that builds on the methodology outlined in the MEASURE Evaluation “Building a Web-Based Decision Support System” working paper. RHINoVision presents two graphs in tandem that play to the strengths of routine health information system (RHIS) data, in that they empower users with simultaneous visualization of data over time and geography. RHINoVision multivariate visualizations show simultaneously "what happened" (time trend graphs) and "what's happening around you" (regional comparison graphs, scatterplots, bubble graphs). RHINoVision features powerful multivariate visualizations for triangulation of data from different programs and data sources and for “drill down functionality” that empowers users to visualize patterns in the underlying data. Presenting and sharing data in usable formats is a critical dimension of a strong, well-functioning RHIS. The presentation will include a demonstration of the RHINoVision functionality, using publicly available PEPFAR Sub-National HIV/AIDS data for USG Priority Countries.
Michael Edwards
Biostatistician, RHINoVision Decision Support Systems
Michael Edwards
Biostatistician, John Snow, Inc.
The Safe Delivery App
Appy HourDigital Health for Clients 05:30 PM - 07:00 PM (America/New_York) 2019/12/09 22:30:00 UTC - 2019/12/10 00:00:00 UTC
The Safe Delivery App is a smartphone application that provides skilled birth attendants with direct and instant access to evidence-based and up-to-date clinical guidelines on Basic Emergency Obstetric and Neonatal Care. The App leverages the growing ubiquity of mobile phones to provide life-saving information and guidance through easy-to-understand animated instruction videos, action cards and drug lists. It can serve as a training tool both in pre- and in-service training, and equips birth attendants even in the most remote areas with a powerful on-the-job reference tool. At Maternity Foundation, we strive to bridge the gap between the development of effective health innovations and the capacity to effectively implement them. We do this by providing expertise to help partner organisations adapt, implement, monitor and evaluate the Safe Delivery App within their specific contexts and programs. Drawing on fifteen years of health worker capacity building in Ethiopia, implementation of the Safe Delivery App across fifteen countries, and a team of international, multi-disciplinary experts, we offer our partners technical support and resources in three main areas: App adaptation, implementation support, and monitoring, data analytics and insights. In close collaboration with our partners, we help optimize the potential of the Safe Delivery App to impact the knowledge, skills, and confidence of skilled birth attendants and ultimately improve the quality of care delivered to mothers and their newborns.
Presenters Lauren Bellhouse
Program Manager, Maternity Foundation
SmartHB- Non-invasive monitoring of hemoglobin in communities for reducing the global burden of Anemia
Appy HourDigital Health for Healthcare Providers 05:30 PM - 07:00 PM (America/New_York) 2019/12/09 22:30:00 UTC - 2019/12/10 00:00:00 UTC
Anemia is one of the largest health problems around the world, and a key risk factor for maternal mortality. Approximately one-third of the world’s population is clinically anemic. International agencies and governments are trying hard to provide iron supplementation without any regular screening or monitoring at the community level. Timely screening and treatment can restore personal health and avoid risk of other complications. This study describes the development and testing of non-invasive hemoglobin monitor designed by Tech4Life Enterprises. The device uses integrated innovation, comprising of technological and social innovations, to monitor anemia in the communities. Research design and methods: This non-invasive device uses Near Infrared lights source to detect hemoglobin in bloodstream, using the index finger for the source and receiver placement in order to predict the hemoglobin value. A double-blinded clinical trial was conducted at a large teaching hospital and a clinical laboratory in Karachi, Pakistan, to compare the results of non-invasive monitoring against the laboratory testing of hemoglobin for measuring the accuracy of the devices. Main outcome measures: Accuracy of Non-invasive hemoglobin monitoring compared to the laboratory testing of hemoglobin. Results: The results showed 92% accuracy of non-invasive monitor (difference of less than 20% compared to lab testing), with 89% sensitivity and 76% specificity. While the accuracy was similar among women and men (91% vs. 94% respectively), sensitivity was higher among women (91% vs. 74%). Conclusion: Non-invasive hemoglobin monitor has shown high degree of accuracy against the gold-standard in the initial clinical trial. Further validation is being conducted in partnership with organizations in different parts of the world.
Presenters Shariq Khoja
CEO, Tech4Life Enterprices Canada Inc.
SCOPE CODA: A Tool that has Revolutionized Health and Nutrition Data in Uganda’s Humanitarian Settings.
Appy HourDigital Health for Clients 05:30 PM - 07:00 PM (America/New_York) 2019/12/09 22:30:00 UTC - 2019/12/10 00:00:00 UTC
In Uganda, malnutrition is adamantly one of the major health problems affecting the general population. The situation is sustained by a multitude of factors. Furthermore, a review of the efficacy (impact at individual level) and effectiveness (impact at population level) of nutrition programs in 2008 found that not only were they ineffective in several contexts, but also, more worryingly, the quality of existing data on nutrition programs was lacking, incomparable and insufficient to support decision making. This review outlined challenges under three key areas including nutrition information that, if addressed, could support improvement in quality and effectiveness of acute malnutrition programming. One of the three key areas was nutrition information which called for need to improve reporting and measurement practices for nutrition programs. Following the afore-mentioned review, Uganda with support from the UK DFID through the World Food Programme undertook a multi-sectoral approach in a bid to alleviate the key challenges including those relating to nutrition information leading to the development of a mobile health innovation called SCOPE-CODA. This session will be a practical demonstration of a digital solution called SCOPE-CODA. It's a mobile-based system that uses Near Field Communication (NFC) Protocol to read and write beneficiary details on a customized Smart Card provided to each registered beneficiary. The system has been implemented in Uganda to support humanitarian food programs with an aim of achieving improved accountability and transparency in implementation of nutrition interventions by replacing paper-based registers, ration cards and reports with a smart card for beneficiaries, a mobile device for health workers and a dashboard for health system managers. This session will demonstrate how the innovation works using custom made NFC devices and smart cards and its linkage to already existing social registries which link to social protection, livelihood services, etc.
Catherine Kabahuma
Health Informatics Specialist, Ministry Of Health Uganda
Jamiru Mpiima
Health Informatics Specialist, Independent Consultant
TB STARR: A mobile app for Tuberculosis Screening and Tracking for Accelerated Referral and Reporting in Nigeria
Appy HourDigital Health for Health Systems Managers 05:30 PM - 07:00 PM (America/New_York) 2019/12/09 22:30:00 UTC - 2019/12/10 00:00:00 UTC
This session will provide an interactive demo of a recently launched mobile app and dashboard for TB screening and case notification in Nigeria that was developed in partnership with the National TB Program (NTP). Independent clinicians who are not affiliated with the NTP in Nigeria do not have proper information or tools to diagnose and report TB because paper registers and reporting forms are time-consuming and expensive to duplicate, distribute, and process at scale. This results in missed opportunities to detect and report TB cases. To address this challenge, the Sustaining Health Outcomes through the Private Sector (SHOPS) Plus project developed an Android application for TB Screening and Tracking for Accelerated Referral and Reporting (TB STARR) that can be accessed and used by any clinical provider in Nigeria. SHOPS Plus used a participatory approach to design and develop the “independent provider” (IP) user type for the TB STARR mobile app and web-based backend dashboard for program management. The IP user type of the TB STARR mobile application was launched in June 2019 and is available for free in Google Play. In this session, we will provide an interactive demo of how clinicians can benefit from the different functions of the mobile app including registration, screening, documenting patient information, tests and referrals, generating case IDs, using search functions, and reviewing personal dashboard statistics. As we present the clinicians use case, we will also demo how data is processed and presented in the web-based dashboard. We will also discuss our process for testing and data security measures. Finally, we will demo the additional functions and features of the “Network Provider” user type which adds patient communication via SMS, automated referrals and alerts, and financing functionalities for clinicians, pharmacists, drug shops, and laboratories that have existing relationships with the NTP.
Presenters Emily Mangone
Digital Health Advisor, Abt Associates
Using mobile phone based information management system to support ART and PrEP treatment and adherence: the case of PIPAT within the USAID DISCOVER-Health Project in Zambia
Appy HourDigital Health for Clients 05:30 PM - 07:00 PM (America/New_York) 2019/12/09 22:30:00 UTC - 2019/12/10 00:00:00 UTC
USAID AID DISCOVER Health Project is a United States Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded health service delivery and social marketing project, implemented by JSI. It provides free public sector integrated HIV, FP/RH and MCH services targeting under-served communities and hard-to-reach populations. The project uses the Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD) in combination with the short message service (SMS) to generate demand for the health services as well as provision of treatment and adherence support for the clients that are on ART and PrEP. The USSD is available to the public to access basic information on HIV/AIDS and also to find clinics that are providing ART and PrEP services near where they are. The public can also use the USSD to conduct self assessment to determine their eligibility for PrEP. Once a client is initiated on ART or PrEP they are automatically enrolled on the Treatment Information Management System (TIMS) platform which starts providing treatment and adherence support. TIMS creates a treatment and adherence support calendar for each client based on the treatment regime the client has been put on. A two way communication channel is opened between the system and the client. Periodic automated reminders and support messages are triggered and administered via USSD and SMS. The systems maintains the treatment track record of the client for a period of two years and there after weans off the client.
Monze Rayson Muleya
Data Systems Specialist, USAID DISCOVER Health Project
Francis Kasonde
Health Systems Programmer, USAID DISCOVER Health Project
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Johns Hopkins University
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Program Manager
Maternity Foundation
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Associate Research Professor of Pediatrics
Indiana University School of Medicine
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 Sherri Haas
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